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Table 2 Associations between postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) and sleep parameters.

From: Postmenopausal hormones and sleep quality in the elderly: a population based study


HT use






(N = 424)

(N = 1,289)

(N = 1,410)

Total sleep time, minutes (SD)

407 (5)

413 (4)

403 (4)a

Sleep efficiency, % (SD)

77.3 (0.8)

76.9 (0.7)

76.1 (0.6)

Sleep latency, minutes (SD)

41.4 (2.7)

43.5 (2.2)

44.7 (2.2)

Wake after sleep onset, minutes (SD)

76.0 (3.3)

79.1 (2.7)

82.1 (2.7)b

Long wake episodes, # (SD)

6.5 (0.2)

6.9 (0.2)b

7.1 (0.2)c

Napping, minutes (SD)

77.1 (4.5)

80.0 (3.7)

80.5 (3.6)

  1. a P < 0.01 vs. Past HT use
  2. b P < 0.05 vs. Current HT use
  3. c P < 0.01 vs. Current HT use
  4. Adjusted for age, clinic site, race, BMI, cognitive function, number of blocks walked for exercise per day, depression, anxiety, education, marital status, age at menopause, alcohol use, prior hysterectomy and medical conditions.