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Table 4 Respondents menstrual hygienic practices during menstruation in Nekemte Town, Oromia Region, Western Ethiopia, 2014

From: Assessment of knowledge and practice of menstrual hygiene among high school girls in Western Ethiopia

Parameters of practice

Number (%)

Uses absorbent materials during menstruation

678 (82.2)

Uses commercially made sanitary pad as absorbent material during menstruation

548 (66.2)

Clean clothes with soap and water

83 (52.9)

Dry cloths in sunlight

71 (45.2)

Changing pads or cloths more than three times and above during menstruation

430 (51.9)

Disposes used sanitary pads in dustbin

167 (20.2)

Uses paper to dispose the pads by wrapping

274 (33.3)

Takes bath daily with soap during menstruation

557 (67.3)

Clean external genitalia during menstruation

787 (95)

Cleans external genitalia with water and soap during menstruation

657 (83.5)

Practice (summary index)


Good practice

330 (39.9)

Poor practice

498 (60.1)