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Table 7 Additional tests and costs with HC2 and Cobas versus Aptima until the first colposcopy

From: Performance of Aptima-HPV in the cervical cancer screening program of Portugal: a cost-analysis


Diagnostic tests* after the first HPV test, n = 

Costs, €

Additional tests* versus Aptima, n = 

Additional costs versus Aptima, €

Aptima® HPV


10,626,532.78 €

Hybrid Capture® 2


392,078,694.14 €**


381,452,161.36 €

Cobas® 4800


13,144,973.31 €


2,518,440.53 €

  1. Legend: Aptima: Aptima® HPV; Cobas: Cobas® 4800; HC2: Hybrid Capture® 2.
  2. *Includes HPV tests and other diagnostic tests (cytology, colposcopy, and biopsy)
  3. **Includes the cost of HPV genotyping after the first and subsequent Hybrid Capture® 2 tests