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Table 2 The sub-categories and categories of the result, with meaning units

From: Healthcare providers’ experience of identifying and caring for women subjected to sex trafficking: a qualitative study

Meaning Units



Body injuries or certain actions within the hospital can be signs of sex trafficking.

Acting swiftly is essential since the women have limited time within the hospital.

Behavioral and physical signs

Limited time to interact

The importance of being attentive

Tools are given to identify and care for the females.

The hospital should be an accepting place, in order to enable identifying the women.

Security measures

Value of confidence building

The importance of providing safety

The healthcare providers need to be on the same path and gather around the women.

The police, social services and women’s emergency services are also essential in the work.

Information should be exchanged with other actors as well as communicating with the female.

Organizational collaboration

Essential external network

Information transmission

The importance of collaborating