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Table 1 Diagnosis details

From: Management of musculoskeletal tumors during pregnancy: a retrospective study


First symptom

Pregnancy number

Site and size


Grading and staging

Progression in pregnancy

Pregnancy Outcome: delivery; birth weight; gestational age; sex of fetus; APGAR Score


Treatment timing


Pain noticed in the period between the25th to the 30th week of pregnancya, later tumescence

4th in 2009

Knee joint (right); 16,5x9x12

Synovial sarcoma

G3; pT2b, pNX, pMX ∆

Increasing pain and tumescence in the last few weeks of pregnancy, afterwards stable symptoms

Cesarean (due to the patients wish); 2750 g; 36th week; male; 9

Marginal tumor resection

8 months postpartum


Pain which occurred in the 37th week of pregnancy

2nd in 2009

Fibula dist. (left); maximum of 9 cm

Ewing’s sarcoma

G3; ypT2

Walking problems which occurred in the 39th week

Vaginal delivery; 3140 g; 40th week; male; 10

En-bloc resection

11 months postpartum


Painful swelling noticed in the 31th week of pregnancy

2nd in 2010

Knee joint (left); 13x10x5,5

Clear cell sarcoma, soft tissue

b; pT2b, pN1(2,6), pM1 (OSS)

Increasing pain until treatment

Cesarean (due to the patients wish); 3320 g; 40th week; female; 10

Rotation- plasty

6 months postpartum


Pain which appeared in the period between the 30th to the 33th week of pregnancya

1st in 2004

Upper ankle joint (left); 3x2,7,x1,5

Synovial sarcoma

G2; pT1b


Vaginal delivery; 3070 g; 38th week; female; 10

En-bloc resection

4,5 months postpartum


Pain noticed 32th week of pregnancy

2nd in 2002

Femoral head (left); 16x9x8 after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Osteosarcoma chondrobl.

G3; pT2, pNX, pM1 (Oss)

Increasing pain until treatment

Vaginal delivery; 3450 g; 41th week; female; 9

Hemi- pelvectomy

4 months postpartum


Pain which occurred between the 12th-16th week of pregnancya

4th in 2007 [spontaneous abortion]

Thigh med. compart. (left); 10,5x9,5x8

Synovial sarcoma

G2 (3/1/1); pT2b, pNX

Increasing tumescence in pregnancy

Spontaneous abortion; weight unknown; patient could not remember week of abortion and did not want to know the sex of the fetus; dead




Pain and growing mass both noticed in the 30th week of pregnancy

2nd in 2009

Thigh dorsal (right); 10x9x5


G2; pT2a ∆

Increasing tumor volume in pregnancy

vaginal delvery; 3200 g; 41th week; female; healthy; −


4 months postpartum


Pain, tumescencec

3rd in 2003

Foot (right); several sarcoma focuses


G1; pT2b

Increasing pain and tumescence until 3rd treatment

vaginal delivery; 3500 g; 40th week; male; 10

3 times amputation

gestational age of 24, 27 and 28 weeks

  1. aPatient could only provide range of time
  2. bOn the recommendation of the FNCLCC clear cell sarcomas should not be graded
  3. cUnable to retrieve exact time
  4. UICC TMN Staging 6TH edition 2002
  5. UICC TMN Staging 7TH edition 2010