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Table 2 Menstrual patterns, related morbidities, additional symptoms & treatment patterns in 402 respondents

From: Menstrual patterns and disorders among secondary school adolescents in Egypt. A cross-sectional survey


Frequency N (%)

Menstrual cycle length (days)


  ≤ 20

60 (14.9 %)


230 (57.2 %)

  > 35

112(27.8 %)

Duration of menstrual flow (days)


  < 2

8.0 (1.9 %)


375 (93.2 %)

 7 and above

19 (4.7 %)

Prevalence of menstrual disorders

382(95 %)

Types of menstrual disorders: dysmenorrhea, PMS and abnormal cycle length with the relevant data supplied


374(100 %)


108 (28.8 %)


183 (48.9 %)


83 (22.1 %)

PMS (%)



262 (65.1 %)


140 (34.8 %)

Abnormal cycle lengths (%)



172 (42.7 %)


230 (57.2 %)

Missed activities



133 (33 %)

School absenteeism (%)



31 (7.7 %)

Use of drugs for menstrual disorders

354 (88 %)


249 (62 %)

 Treatment given by parents

93 (23.1 %)

 Treatment given by a doctor

12 (3.2 %)

Additional symptoms

209 (51.9 %)


99 (24.6 %)


69 (17.1 %)

 Vaginal discharge

23 (5.7 %)

 Vulvar itching

6.0 (1.4 %)


12 (2.9 %)

Information source regarding menstruation (%)



312 (77.6 %)


16 (3.9 %)


3 (0.7 %)

 Mass media

15 (3.7 %)


56 (13.9 %)