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Table 2 Audit Criteria for acceptable management

From: Management of abortion complications at a rural hospital in Uganda: a quality assessment by a partially completed criterion-based audit

1. Assessment of vital signsa:

 Measure blood pressure, pulse, temperatureb and respiration frequency.

2. Fluid resuscitation:

 At a systolic blood pressure ≤ 90 mmHg: infuse two litres of fast running normal saline.

3. Broad-spectrum antibiotics:

 Give antibiotics at: temperature ≤ 36° or ≥ 38° Celsius, purulent foul smelling vaginal discharge, surgical evacuation or unsafe abortion.

4. Evacuation of retained intrauterine products:

 Medical evacuation: misoprostol. Surgical evacuation: manual vacuum aspiration or blunt curettage.

 For gestational age ≤ 12 weeks surgical evacuation shall be performed with manual vacuum aspiration.

 Expectant management is only recommended when the well-informed patient wish to use this method and no additional complications are present.

5. Pain management:

 Any expression of pain shall result in analgesics to the patient.

6. Waiting time for evacuation at sepsis or heavy bleeding:

 Acute emergency evacuation of the uterus must be performed. This shall not be delayed by expectant antibiotic treatment but performed immediately.

  1. aTo be measured at admission. Oxygen saturation is an important vital to monitor, but the ward did not have the equipment to perform the measurement
  2. bAxil measurement, 0.5° was therefore added to the raw data to compensate