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Table 1 Participant characteristics at baseline (N = 191)

From: Burden, screening, and treatment of depressive and anxious symptoms among women referred to cardiac rehabilitation: a prospective study


Retained participants

Lost-to follow-up



Self-reported distress and/or elevated scores n = 56 (43.8%)

No self- reported distress and/or elevated scores n = 72 (56.3%)


N = 128

n = 63

N = 191


 Age, years (mean ± SD)

63.25 ± 9.05

67.48 ± 10.81

65.63 ± 10.25*

64.72 ± 9.88

65.32 ± 10.11

 Marital Status, n (% married)

27 (48.2)

39 (54.2)

66 (51.6)

31 (49.2)

97 (50.8)

 Work Status, n (% retired)

26 (46.4)

41 (56.9)

67 (52.3)

29 (46.0)

76 (54.7)

 Highest Education, n (% post-secondary)

17 (30.4)

29 (40.3)

46 (35.9)

20 (31.7)

66 (34.6)

 Ethnicity, n (% white)

37 (66.1)

49 (68.1)

86 (67.2)

43 (68.3)

129 (67.5)

 Annual Family Income, n (% $50000CDN or greater)

29 (51.8)

46 (63.9)

75 (58.6)

38 (60.3)

113 (59.2)

 Children, n (% yes)

43 (79.6)

59 (83.1)

102 (81.6)

53 (85.5)

155 (82.9)


 Cardiac Indication

   PCI (% yes)

26 (50.0)

30 (44.8)

56 (47.9)

22 (36.7)

78 (43.6)

   Angina/ACS/CAD (% yes)

22 (43.1)

21 (31.8)

43 (36.8)

28 (46.7)

71 (40.1)

   MI (% yes)

19 (36.5)

22 (33.3)

41 (34.7)

17 (28.3)

58 (32.6)

   CABG (% yes)

7 (13.5)

22 (32.8)

29 (24.4)*

16 (26.7)

45 (25.1)

   Valve (% yes)

9 (17.3)

17 (25.8)

26 (22.0)

9 (15.0)

35 (19.7)

BMI (mean ± SD)

30.17 ± 7.05

27.34 ± 5.52

28.91 ± 6.53*

29.64 ± 7.24

29.15 ± 6.75

Diabetes, n (% yes)

14 (35.0)

9 (19.1)

23 (26.4)

17 (35.4)

40 (29.6)

Hypertension, n (% yes)

32 (71.1)

44 (74.6)

76 (73.1)

39 (73.6)

115 (73.2)

Dyslipidemia, n (%)

36 (92.3)

44 (81.5)

80 (86.0)

41 (82.0)

121 (84.6)

Exercise Behavior (mean ± SD)

21.33 ± 19.74

20.86 ± 14.99

21.07 ± 17.20

16.92 ± 31.35

19.68 ± 22.93


 Self-Reported History of Depression or Anxiety, n (% yes)

25 (45.5)

15 (22.4)

40 (32.8)**

31 (51.7)

71 (39.0)†

 Self-reported History of Pharmacological Treatment for depression or anxiety, n (% yes)

15 (27.3)

12 (17.6)

27 (22.0)***

13 (22.0)

40 (22.0)

 Self-reported History of Psychotherapy for depression or anxiety, n (% yes)

17 (31.5)

14 (20.9)

31 (25.6)*

21 (35.6)

52 (28.9)

 BDI-II (mean ± SD)

16.94 ± 11.30

5.08 ± 3.59

9.89 ± 9.64***

11.31 ± 8.42

10.35 ± 9.26

 PHQ-2 (mean ± SD)

1.90 ± 1.89

0.33 ± 0.59

1.03 ± 1.54***

1.43 ± 2.14

1.15 ± 1.75

  1. PCI percutaneous coronary intervention, ACS acute coronary syndrome, CAD coronary artery disease, CDN Canadian dollars, MI myocardial infarction, CABG coronary artery bypass graft, BMI body mass index, BDI beck depression inventory, PHQ patient health questionnaire
  2. *Denotes difference between participants with elevated vs. no elevated symptoms (* p <0 .05; ** p <0 .01; *** p < 0.001)
  3. †Denotes difference between participants who were retained vs. not retained at 6 month follow-up († p < 0.05; † p < 0.01; ††† p <0.001)