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Table 3 Questionnaire guide details

From: A qualitative exploration of cervical and breast cancer stigma in Karnataka, India

Breast Cancer Study

Cervical Cancer Study

Knowledge and awareness about breast cancer


 - Symptoms

 - Experience seeking care


 - Experience receiving diagnosis

 - Personal and family reaction


 - Treatment experience

 - Side effects

Perceptions of care

Financial impact

Family and social relationships

 - Family and social support

 - Changes in relationships


 - Strategies for improving the cancer care trajectory

 - Future plans beyond treatment

Provider role and experiences providing cancer care

Provider perspectives on improving breast cancer prevention and treatment

Awareness about cervical cancer

- Knowledge of: risk factors for cervical, symptoms, prevention, treatability

- Sources of information

Facilitators and barriers to cervical cancer screening (uterus/pelvic exams)

- Knowledge of screening

- Comfort going to or talking about screening and cervical cancer symptoms

- Reasons for not screening

- Willingness to be screened in the absence of symptoms

- Family and community support of cervical cancer screening

- Potential strategies for facilitating screening

- Stigma: Community & family reactions to cancer

- Changes in familial relationships

- Social isolation

- Shame & embarrassment

- Differences in treatment of women with different types of cancer