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Table 1 Comparison of endometrial thickness, subendometrial Doppler resistance index, and ανβ3-integrin score in both study groups

From: AlphaVBeta3 Integrin expression within uterine endometrium in unexplained infertility: a prospective cohort study


Unexplained infertility

(N = 35)

Control group

(N = 35)


Endometrial thickness

5.4 (2.0)

11.0 (2.0)


Subendometrial RI

0.71 (0.09)

0.53 (0.08)


αvβ3 integrin score

0 (0–1)

1 (1–2)


  1. Data presented as mean (SD) or median (interquartile range)
  2. *Unpaired test
  3. **Mann- Whitney test