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Table 3 Multiple linear regression identifying factors associated with increased intention to modify CMV risk and prevention behaviors in the desired direction

From: Effectiveness of message framing on women’s intention to perform cytomegalovirus prevention behaviors: a cross-sectional study


n = 840


Model r2




b (SE)



−15.73 (1.57)


Main Effects

 Gain Frame

2.22 (2.07)


 Knowledge Scalea

0.15 (0.05)


 Message Credibilityb

0.29 (0.15)


 Perceived Severityb

0.56 (0.15)


 Response Efficacyc

3.19 (0.44)


 Perceived Behavioral Controlb

1.05 (0.29)


Interaction Effects

 Response Efficacy x Gain Frame

−1.69 (0.58)


 Perceived Behavioral Control x Gain Frame

0.90 (0.40)


  1. Note: Behavioral Intention was measured using a score ranging from 0 to 16. The score was created by summing intention scores for each behavior where those intention scores equaled 0 if the respondent intended to “remain the same”; 1 if the respondent intended to change their behavior “a little” in the desired direction; and 2 if the respondent intended to change their behavior “a lot” in the desired direction. To prevent CMV, handwashing behaviors should increase, while all other behaviors should decrease
  2. aHigher values indicate higher levels of CMV knowledge
  3. bResponses on a 7-point Likert scale where 1 = Strongly Disagree and 7 = Strongly Agree
  4. cResponses on a 5-point Likert scale where 1 = Not at all effective and 5 = Very effective