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Table 3 Lifetime prevalence of intimate partner violence, family violence and other violence. Values are numbers (percentages) unless otherwise stated

From: “It happens to clinicians too”: an Australian prevalence study of intimate partner and family violence against health professionals

Type of violence

Lifetime prevalence

Family violence (including witnessing parental IPV) (n = 469)

133 (28.4)

 Childhood witnessing parental IPV only

93 (19.8)

Exposure to IPV and/or FV (n = 469)

212 (45.2)

 Combined history of both IPV and FV

60 (12.8)

 IPV only

79 (16.8)

 FV only

73 (15.6)

Other interpersonal violence (not perpetrated by IP or family) (n = 466)

87 (18.7)

 Other violence only (no combined history of IPV or FV)

26 (5.6)

Total: Lifetime interpersonal violence (by partner, family member and/or other) (n = 469)

238 (50.8)

  1. Denominators vary due to missing responses