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Table 3 Knowledge and opinion about the abortion laws in Uruguay (N = 207)

From: Experience obtaining legal abortion in Uruguay: knowledge, attitudes, and stigma among abortion clients

Indicators of knowledge/opinion

n (%)

Accurate understanding of components of Uruguay abortion law

 Gestational limit is 12 weeks

191 (92.3)

 Four appointments required for abortion process

143 (69.1)

 Conscientious objection is permitted

48 (23.2)

Perceived ease of access to abortion in Uruguay


39 (18.8)


149 (72.0)

 No response

19 (9.2)

Agreement with the current abortion law in Uruguay


195 (94.2)


10 (4.8)

 No response

2 (1.0)

Acceptable gestational age for a woman to obtain an abortion


1 (0.5)

 8 weeks

82 (39.6)

 12 weeks or longer

118 (57.0)

 Don’t know

4 (1.9)

 No response

2 (1.0

Usefulness of the 5-day waiting period

 Very or somewhat necessary

54 (26.1)

 Not necessary

145 (70.0)

 No response

8 (3.9)

Agreement with doctor’s right to conscientious objection


142 (68.6)


50 (24.2)

 Don’t know

12 (5.8)

 No response

3 (1.4)