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Table 2 Intra- and inter-group comparisons of change in alcohol consumption between the start and end of treatment and at 12 month follow-up, as measured according to three outcome measures1

From: History of childhood abuse is associated with less positive treatment outcomes in socially stable women with alcohol use disorder


Childhood abuse

No childhood abuse

Inter-group comparison


Change at end of treatment

Change at 12-mo F/U


Change at end of treatment

Change at 12-mo F/U

End of treatment

12-mo F/U

n = 38

n = 31

n = 30

n = 37

n = 28

n = 27

n = 59

n = 57


 M (SD)

299 (290)

− 143 (132)

− 112 (128)

327 (355)

− 240 (301)

− 357 (403)


 Md (min–max)

173 (32–1584)

−132 (− 423 − + 51)

−91 (− 363 − + 165)

231 (14–1584)

− 159 (−1584–0)

−240 (−1584 - -45)




p < 0.001a

p < 0.001a


p < 0.001a

p < 0.001a

p = 0.174c

p = 0.001c


 n (%)

28 (73.7%)


28 (75.7%)


 Worse n (%)


0 (0%)

1 (3.3%)


0 (0%)

0 (0%)


 Equal n (%)


18 (58.1%)

17 (56.7%)


10 (35.7%)

5 (18.5%)


 Improved n (%)


13 (41.9%)

12 (40.0%)


18 (64.3%)

22 (81.5%)




p < 0.001b

p = 0.003b


p < 0.001b

p < 0.001b

p = 0.089d

p = 0.002d


 n (%)

0 (0.0%)


0 (0.0%)


 Worse n (%)


0 (0%)

0 (0%)


0 (0%)

0 (0%)


 Equal n (%)


27 (87.1%)

26 (86.7%)


17 (60.7%)

12 (44.4%)


 Improved n (%)


4 (12.9%)

4 (13.3%)


11 (39.3%)

15 (55.6%)




p = 0.125b

p = 0.125b


p = 0.001b

p < 0.001b

p = 0.021d

p = 0.001d

  1. 1Outcome measures were:
  2. Grams/w: Grams of pure alcohol per week in M (SD) and Md (min–max),
  3. Risk-drinking: alcohol consumption > 108 g of pure alcohol per week, n (%), categorised as worse, equal or improved compared with start,
  4. Abstinence: Not using alcohol at all n (%)
  5. Abbreviations: M: mean, SD: standard deviation, Md: median, min-max: minimum to maximum, n: number in subgroup, N: total number in sample, mo F/U: month follow-up
  6. Statistic test used: a Wilcoxon signed rank test, b Exact McNemar’s test, c Mann-Whitney U-test, d Mantel-Haenszel Chi square test