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Table 3 Frequencies of Change Towards Others codes

From: #Ihaveembraced: a pilot cross-sectional naturalistic evaluation of the documentary film Embrace and its potential associations with body image in adult women



Proportion %(n)

Sample response

Changing thoughts about others

Reduced judgement of, and greater acceptance if diversity in others

9.8% (106)

“I am less likely to judge others.

“And I’m being a lot less judgmental of others and their bodies.”

“I’ve also really looked hard at how I unconsciously judge others too.”

Change social environment

Being conscious of not contributing to this issue

4.9% (53)

“I feel like I am more sensitive to others feelings. I don’t commiserate when my friend’s complain about their body’s. I tell them they’re beautiful.”

“I don’t let my friends talk badly about themselves,”

Spreading the message and empowering others

Impact on Parenting

13.9% (151)

“I recommend it to fellow Moms and am trying to figure out a way to have it screened at my daughters school.

“It has caused me to rethink how I see myself and what words I put out there that my daughter and other women hear”

Impact on Professional Capacity

4.5% (49)

“has influenced my practice also as a dietitian working with families”

“huge, eye opening as a health care worker already committed to the healthy -at- every - size paradigm. Inspired to keep fighting and being optimistic about body esteem for our younger people.”

Becoming an ambassador for this issue

10.2% (110)

“It made it more real and urgent for me the need to speak up and tell the world: “hey, it’s about time we change these things “.”

“It makes me want to double down on my work to help women feel better about themselves.”