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Table 2 Presentation of social media related behaviors of the participants (n=132)

From: The role of social media for persons affected by infertility


Number of participants n = 132

On which platform did you find this survey?


115 (87.1%)

 Barnlängtan (Longing for a child)

11 (8.3%) (I want a child)

3 (2.3%)


1 (0.8%)

 No answer

2 (1.5%)

How many years have you read and / or participated in blogs / Facebook groups / discussion forums about involuntary childlessness?

 < 1 year

11 (8.3%)

 1-3 years

80 (60.1%)

 4-6 years

23 (17.4%)

 7-9 years

15 (11.4%)

 ≥10 years

2 (1.5%)

 No answer

1 (0.8%)

How often do you take part in blogs / Facebook groups / discussion forums about involuntary childlessness?

 More than once a day

52 (39.4%)

 Once a day

28 (21.2%)

 More than once a week

30 (22.7%)

 Once a week

12 (9.1%)

 Once a month

6 (4.5%)

 Less than once a month

2 (1.5%)

 No answer

2 (1.5%)

How much time per week do you devote to blogs / Facebook groups / discussion forums about involuntary childlessness? (Estimate number of hours per week)

 <1 hr

13 (9.8%)

 1-3 hrs

66 (50.0%)

 4-6 hrs

17 (12.9%)

 7-10 hrs

22 (16.7%)

 11-25 hrs

4 (3.0%)

 >25 hrs

2 (1.5%)

 No answer

8 (6.1%)

On average, how many times a week do you write a posting on blogs / Facebook groups / discussion boards dealing with infertility?

 No postings

53 (40.1%)

 1 - 5 postings a week

66 (50.0%)

 6 - 10 postings a week

7 (5.3%)

 11 - 15 postings a week

3 (2.3%)

 16 - 20 posting a week

1 (0.8%)

 No answer

2 (1.5%)

Do you use a pseudonym (fictitious name)?


17 (12.9%)


113 (85.6%)

 No answer

2 (1.5%)