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Table 1 Descriptive analysis of participants (N = 117)

From: Mediating effects of shoulder-arm exercise on the postoperative severity of symptoms and quality of life of women with breast cancer


n (%) /Mean (SD)


Age (years)

 30 ~ 39

15 (12.8)


 40 ~ 49

40 (34.2)


 50 ~ 59

47 (40.2)


 60 ~ 69

15 (12.8)


Educational level

 Elementary school

12 (10.3)


 Junior high school

16 (13.7)


 Senior high school

41 (35.0)



31 (26.5)


 Graduate school

17 (14.5)


Tumor size

 T1 (≤2 cm)

51 (43.6)


 T2 (> 2 cm and < 5 cm)

44 (37.6)


 T3 (≥5 cm)

22 (18.8)


 T4 the extent to which it has grown

into neighboring breast tissue

0 (0)


Lymph node involvement

 0 = No

68 (58.1)


 1 = Yes

49 (41.9)




80 (68.4)



37 (31.6)


Time after surgery (days)

 30 ~ 60

43 (36.8)


 61 ~ 90

48 (41.0)


 91 ~ 107

26 (22.2)


Treatment received after surgery

 0 = none

12 (10.3)


 1 = Chemotherapy

91 (77.8)


 2 = Radiotherapy

4 (3.4)


 3 = Hormone treatment

10 (8.5)


Severity of symptoms

40.52 (33.7)

0 ~ 154

Performing shoulder-arm exercises 30 min/day

 0 = No

84 (71.8)


 1 = Yes

33 (28.2)


Quality of life

107.35 (23.12)

44 ~ 153

  1. SD Standard deviation, MRM Modified radical mastectomy, BCT Breast-conserving therapy