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Table 3 Partner and community attitudes towards family planning

From: Feasibility and acceptability of using medical and nursing students to provide Implanon NXT at the community level in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo


Initial acceptors

N = 531 (%)

When you went looking for family planning services today, were you concerned that someone would see you and guess the reason for your presence?

N = 531

Not concerned at all

431 (81.2)

Somewhat concerned

73 (13.8)

Very concerned

27 (5.1)

No response

0 (0.0)

Does your husband/partner know that you came to the family planning consultation today?

N = 361 (%)


247 (69.4)


103 (28.5)

No response

11 (3.1)

Does your husband/partner agree with you using a contraceptive method?

N = 247 (%)

Completely agrees

239 (96.8)

Somewhat agrees

7 (2.8)

Somewhat disagrees

1 (0.4)

Completely disagrees

0 (0.0)

Does not know / No answer

0 (0.0)

Do you think your partner / husband would agree or disagree that you are using a contraceptive method?

N = 103 (%)

Completely agrees

52 (50.4)

Somewhat agrees

13 (12.6)

Somewhat disagrees

11 (10.6)

Completely disagrees

23 (22.3)

Does not know / No answer

4 (3.8)

Who took the decision to come to this Family Planning consultation?

N = 531

Me alone

354 (66.7)

My husband / partner and myself (joint decision)

112 (21.1)

Friends / family / neighbors

104 (19.6)

Husband / partner

81 (15.3)

Healthcare staff

6 (1.1)

Community-based distributors

6 (1.1)


4 (0.75)