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Table 2 Demographic data and baseline characteristics of all participants (N = 67)

From: Effects of vaginal administration of conjugated estrogens tablet on sexual function in postmenopausal women with sexual dysfunction: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial


Estrogens group*

(n = 34)

Placebo group

(n = 33)

Age (years)a

57.41 ± 4.85

57.03 ± 4.65

Menopausal age (years)a

50.74 ± 3.46

50.30 ± 3.04

Year since menopause (years)a

6.68 ± 4.52

6.73 ± 4.03

BMI (kg/m2)a

24.62 ± 3.48

25.09 ± 3.97

Pregnancies (times)a

2.32 ± 1.34

2.30 ± 1.31

Deliveries (times)a

1.91 ± 1.16

1.88 ± 0.93

Reported sexual intercourse (times/month)c

2 (1–3)

3 (1–8)


 Elementary school or less

11 (33.3%)

11 (32.4%)

 Secondary school or diploma

14 (41.18%)

13 (39.39%)

 Higher education

9 (26.47%)

9 (27.27%)

Times of marriage b


30 (88.24%)

24 (72.74%)


4 (11.76%)

9 (27.27%)

Duration of marriage (years)c

30 (25.5–33)

30 (22.5–37.5)

Vaginal pHc

6 (5.5–8.0)

6 (5.5–6.0)

Vaginal Maturation Valuec

15 0–50)

15 (1.25–47.5)

  1. *conjugated estrogens
  2. amean ± SD, bnumber (%), cmedian (interquartile range, IQR)