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Table 2 List of variables used in the study with their measurement description

From: Spatial distribution and predictors of domestic violence against women: evidence from analysis of Ethiopian demographic health survey 2016






The age of women categorized as 15–19, 20–24, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49

Educational status

Maximum educational level categorized as uneducated, primary, secondary, and above


Respondents religion was categorized as Orthodox, Muslim, protestant, catholic, traditional, and others

Partner drink alcohol

Classified as ‘yes’ if partner drinks alcohol and ‘no’ otherwise

Witnessing family violence

‘Yes’ or ‘no’ based on their answer to the question “as far as you know, your father ever hit your mother?”

Attitude on IPV

Women were asked questions about whether the husband is justified for hitting his wife for the following woman actions: if she goes out without telling him; neglects their children; argues with him; refuses to have sex with him, and burns the food. If they answer ‘yes’ to either of the above questions they were considered as ‘accept IPV’ and ‘don’t accept IPV’ otherwise

Household/relationship level

Number of children

Grouped as no child, 1–3 children, 4–6 children and above

Household wealth index

Measured based on the number and kind of goods households have and housing characteristics (drinking water, toilet facility, flooring material, and availability of electricity). This was generated using Principal component analysis and classified into quintiles from 1 = very poor to 5 = very rich

Decision-making power

Labeled ‘yes’ if a woman was involved in all decisions regarding her own healthcare, major household purchases, and visits to her family or relatives

Marital controlling behaviors

a woman asked if her partner demonstrates one of the following controlling behaviors: he is jealous or angry if she talks to other men, frequently accused her of being unfaithful, do not permit her to meet her female friends, tries to limit her contact with her family, and insists to know where she is at all times. She is considered as in controlled condition if she answers yes to either of the above questions and otherwise not


Community’s IPV acceptance level

Categorized as ‘low’ if the proportion of women who have IPV accepting attitude in the community was between 0–66.7percent and, as’ high’ if the proportion was greater than 66.8%

Female literacy in the community

Categorized as low if the proportion of women who attended primary or secondary education was 0–36.4% and categorized as high if the proportion was 36.5–100%

Place of residence

Urban or rural based on where the woman lives


Region of the woman where she is living