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Table 1 Overall information, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and enrolment process, in three randomized studies for women with urinary incontinence (UI) using e-health

From: Quality of life in women with urinary incontinence seeking care using e-health


RCT one

RCT two

RCT three

Time span




Inclusion criteria


Ability to read and write Swedish

Access to internet/smartphone/e-mail

Age 18–70 years

SUI ≥ 1 episode/week

Age ≥ 18 years

SUI ≥ 1 episode/week for the last 6 months

Age ≥ 18 years

UUI/MUI ≥ 2 episode/week for the last 12 months

Exclusion criteria


Previous UI surgery

Macroscopic haematuria

Known malignancy in the lower abdomen

Difficulties with passing urine

lePara>Intermenstrual bleedings

Impaired mobility or sensibility in the legs or lower abdomen

Severe psychiatric disorders, or HADS score

> 15 for depression or anxiety

Max. voiding volume < ≈ 0.3 L and mean micturition volume < ≈ 0.2 L

Severe psychiatric disorders

Max. voiding volume < 0.3 L

Use of another PFMT app

Use of mirabegron or antimuscarinic drugs

Painful urges or micturition

Previous pyelonephritis

≥3 urinary tract infections in the last 12 months

Previous stroke, neurological disease, or diabetes.

Max. voiding volume ≤ 0.15 L

Study invitations

Daily newspapers

Websites for medical advice

Daily newspapers

On the web


Posters at health centres and training centres





Enrolment process

1. Screening questionnaire homepage (n = 684)

2. Postal questionnaire, informed consent, 2-day bladder diary (n = 287)

3. Telephone interview urotherapist (n = 277)

1. Screening questionnaire homepage (n = 805)

2. Informed consent, 2-day bladder diary, maximum voiding volume (n = 345)

3. Web-based questionnaire, telephone interview (n = 129)

1. Screening questionnaire homepage (n = 1241)

2. Informed consent, 2-day bladder diary, maximum voiding volume, web-based questionnaire, telephone interview incontinence nurse or general practitioner (n = 142)


250 women

123 women

123 women

Age span

23–70 years

27–72 years

31–77 years

Randomization arms

Internet-based treatment programme (n = 124)

Postal treatment programme (n = 126)

Treatment app (n = 62)

Control group (n = 61)

Treatment app (n = 60)

Information app

(n = 63)

  1. RCT Randomized controlled trial; UI Urinary incontinence; SUI Stress UI; UUI/MUI Urgency UI/Mixed UI; HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; PFMT Pelvic Floor Muscle Training