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Table 3 Characteristics of the included studies

From: Effect of physical activity and exercise on endometriosis-associated symptoms: a systematic review



Study period

Study design


Study population

Intervention description

Control group


Primary outcome (measure)

Secondary outcomes (measure)

Dropouts, n (%)

Carpenter et al. [27]




39 (18 intervention vs 18 controls)

Endometriosis1 with no other hormonal treatment during previous 12 months, no regular exercise

Unsupervised; 40 min of individualized cardio fitness at 50–70% of max heart rate + flexibility exercises + danazol

Danazol treatment only

Four times weekly for 24 weeks

Number of side effects of danazol (direct inquiry)

Fitness (VO2max), general muscle strength (KINCOM), sex hormone levels, pelvic symptoms

3 (7.69%), only in control group

Friggi Sebe Petrelluzzi et al. [25]



Pre-post, no control group


Women with endometriosis1 and ≥ 7 years of CPP, with no effect of medical therapy or surgery, age 232.0 ± 1.30 years

Supervised; 1 h of body awareness, breathing exercise, stretching, general movement, PFM strength + 1.5 h behavioral cognitive therapy

No control group

1.0 to 1.5 h for 10 weeks

Pain (VAS, 0–10)

Stress (PSQ), QOL (SF-36), salivary cortisol levels

4 (13.33%)

Goncalves et al. [28]


08/2013 to 12/2014


40 (28 intervention vs 12 controls)

Endometriosis3 and CPP, prior hormonal and surgical therapy, age 234.88 ± 6.70 years, no regular exercise

Supervised; 120 min of Hatha yoga, including posture (60 min) + conversation (30 min) + relaxation, breathing exercises, meditation (30 min)

Medical therapy was continued

Continuing medical therapy or physiotherapy once per week

Twice weekly for 8 weeks

QOL (EHP-30)

Pain (VAS, 0–10), menstrual pattern measured daily (amount of bleeding scored from 0 to 5)

12 (30%), only in intervention group

  1. 1Confirmed by laparoscopy; 2mean ± standard deviation; 3not specified how diagnosed; NR not reported, QOL quality of life, RCT randomized controlled trial, PFM pelvic floor muscles, CPP chronic pelvic pain, VAS visual analogue scale, KINCOM Kinetic Communicator Exercise System, PSQ Perceived Stress Questionnaire, SF-36 36-item Short-Form Health Survey, EHP-30 Endometriosis Health Profile-30