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Table 1 Questions and response options in BCS70 and NCDS and new variables created following data harmonisation

From: Risk factors for natural menopause before the age of 45: evidence from two British population-based birth cohort studies

1970 BCS cohort

1958 NCDS cohort

Harmonised measures

Age (Respondent)


Categories or scale

Age (Respondent)


Categories or scale


Categories or scale

Birth (midwife)

Birthweight of baby

Gestational age

...lbs. ...ozs. or


Birth (midwife)

Birth weight

Gestation period

...lbs. ...ozs.


Birthweight (kg) for gestation (weeks) z-scores a

1st quarter (lowest)

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter (highest)

Birth (mother)

Mother’s age at birth


Birth (mother)

Mother’s age at birth

... years

Mother’s age at birth

19 or less years

20–34 years

35 or more years

Birth (mother)

Does the mother smoke now?

If no: Did she ever smoke?

If yes: How long ago did she stop?

How much did she smoke?

Has she smoked during this pregnancy?




1–4/5–14/15–24/25 or more/Not known

Yes/No/Not known

Birth (mother)

Did the patient smoke as many as one cigarette a day during the 12 months before the start of this pregnancy? If so, how many per day during that period?

If smoked one per day:

Did the patient change her smoking habits during this pregnancy? Record changes in the table below and month of pregnancy change made.

Did not smoke as many as 1 per day

Number smoked per day in that period

No change

Gave up/Month of pregnancy/Number per day smoked after change

Cut down/Month of pregnancy/Number per day smoked after change

Increased/Month of pregnancy/Number per day smoked after change

Mother smoked during pregnancy


Stopped prior or during the pregnancy

Smoked during the pregnancy

Birth (mother)

Occupation of husband

If self-employed:

If not self-employed:

Employed at present

Unemployed at present

Actual job, Description of job

Employing 25 or more persons/Employing fewer than 25 persons

Supervising others/Not supervising others

Birth (mother)

What was the husband’s occupation?

If self-employed: Does he employ 10 or more persons?

If not self-employed: Does he supervise others (e.g. foreman, manager, charge-hand)?

Actual job / Industry



Father’s social class at birth



No father in household

Birth (mother)

Was {cohort member} breastfed partly or wholly even for a few days?

Yes - for less than 1 month

Yes - for 1 month or more but less than 3 months

Yes - for 3 months or more

Yes but cannot remember for how long

No, was not breastfed at all

Not known

Birth (mother)

Was the child breastfed (partly or wholly) as a baby?


Yes - under 1 month

Yes - over 1 month

Don’t know

Has been breastfed

Less than 1 month or never

Breastfed 1 or more months

10 (cohort member)

Friendly Maths Test: A multiple choice test including arithmetic, number skills, fractions, algebra, geometry, and statistics.

The Shortened Edinburgh Reading Test (Godfrey Thompson Unit 1978): A test of word recognition, which examined vocabulary, syntax, sequencing, comprehension and retention.

Test scores ranged between 1 and 72 (included 72 items)

Test scores ranged between 0 and 67 (included 67 items)

11 (cohort member)

Arithmetic/Mathematics Test: involving numerical and geometric work.

Reading Comprehension Test: involving selection of words which appropriately completed sentences

Test scores ranged between 1 and 40 (included 40 items)

Test scores ranged between 0 and 35 (included 35 items)

Cognitive ability (maths, reading) z-scores at 10/11 b

… z- score

16 (mother)

What age did your teenage girl have her first menstrual period?

Before 11th birthday

When aged 11

Aged 12

Aged 13

Aged 14

Aged 15 or more

Not yet commenced

Commenced but don’t know age

16 (mother)

At what age did she have her first menstrual period?

Before 11th birthday

When aged 11

Aged 12

Aged 13

Aged 14

Aged 15 or more

Not yet commenced

Commenced but don’t know age

Don’t know whether commenced

Age at menarche (years)

… years

16 (medical examination)

Height in cm, to nearest 0.5 cm

Height in feet and inches, to nearest 1/4 in.

Weight in kilograms, to nearest 0.1 kg

Weight in pounds and ounces

… cms

… feet … inches

… kg

… pound … ounces

16 (medical examination)

Height in cm

Height in feet and inches


… cm

… ft. … in

… kg

… st … lb.

BMI at 16 (weight [kg]/height [m]2)

… kg/m2

16 (cohort member)

Which of the following most nearly describes you?

I have never smoked a cigarette

I have only ever tried smoking once or twice

I used to smoke sometimes, but I don’t know

I smoke and I would like to give it up

I do not want to give up smoking

16 (cohort member)

How many cigarettes do you usually smoke in a week?

None, don’t smoke

Less than 1 a week

Between 1 and 9 a week

Between 10 and 19 a week

Between 20 and 29 a week

Between 30 and 39 a week

Between 40 and 49 a week

Between 50 and 59 a week

60 or more a week

Has smoked at 16



16 (cohort member)

If you have had any alcoholic drink since this time last week, on how many days did you do so?

… number of days

16 (cohort member)

How long is it since you had an alcoholic drink (beer, wine, spirits, etc.)?

Less than 1 week

2–4 weeks

5–8 weeks

9–12 weeks

Over 12 weeks

Uncertain/Can’t remember

Never had one

Has had an alcoholic drink the week prior the age 16 interview



16 (cohort member)

During the past year, which of the following {team/individual/other listed} sports did you play, in school and out of school, when they were in season, and how often?

At least once a week

At least once a month

16 (cohort member)

Below is a list of things which many people do in their spare time. You will probably only do a few of these. Please show by ringing one of the numbers for each one whether this is something that you do often, sometimes, never or hardly ever. If it is something that you would like to do but don’t have the chance, please ring 4.

- Playing outdoor games and sports

- Swimming

- Playing indoor games and sports



Never or hardly ever

Like to but no chance

Frequency of exercise at 16

Monthly or less often

Weekly (or often)

16 (mother)

Below is a series of descriptions of behaviour sometimes shown by young people. Please say whether, in respect of your teenager, the descriptions certainly applies, applies somewhat of doesn’t apply.

- Often worried, worries about many things

- Often appears miserable, unhappy, tearful or distressed

- Tends to be fearful or afraid of new things or new situations

Doesn’t apply

Applies somewhat

Certainly applies

16 (mother)

Below are a series of descriptions of behaviour often shown by young people. Please ask the informant about each one and ring the appropriate number to show the degree to which this description is true of the study child.

- Often worried, worries about many things

- Often appears miserable, unhappy, tearful, or distressed

- Tend to be fearful or afraid of new things or new situations

Doesn’t apply

Applies somewhat

Certainly applies

Emotional/Neurotic score at 16 (range: 0–6) c

… score (0 = none apply / 6 = all apply)

30 (cohort member)

How tall are you without shoes?

Before you were pregnant, what was your weight? / What is your current weight without clothes on?

Meters and Centimetres

Feet and inches


Stones and pounds

33 (cohort member)

How tall are you without shoes?

Before you were pregnant, what was your weight? / What is your current weight without clothes on?

Meters and Centimetres

Feet and inches


Stones and pounds

BMI at 30/33 (weight [kg]/height [m]2)

… kg/m2

30 (cohort member)

Would you say that..?

You’ve never smoked cigarettes

You used to smoke cigarettes but don’t at all now

You now smoke cigarettes occasionally but not every day

You smoke cigarettes every day

33 (cohort member)

Do you smoke cigarettes at all nowadays?

Have you ever smoked cigarettes regularly - by regularly I mean at least one cigarette a day for 12 months or more?





Has smoked at 30/33




30 (cohort member)

How often do you have an alcoholic drink of any kind? Would you say you had a drink..?

On most days

2 to 3 days a week

Once a week

2 to 3 times a month

Less often or only on special occasions

Never now a days

Have never had an alcoholic drink

33 (cohort member)

How often do you have an alcoholic drink of any kind?

Most days

1, 2 or 3 times a week

1, 2 of 3 times a month

Less often/only on special occasions


Frequency of alcohol consumption at 30/33

Weekly (once to most days a week)

Monthly (one to three times a month)

Less often or never

30 (cohort member)

Do you regularly take part in any of the activities on this card - that is at least once month, for most of the year?

How often do you take part in any activity of this type?



Every day or most days

4–5 days a week

2–3 days a week

Once a week

2–3 times a month

Less often

33 (cohort member)

Do you regularly take part in any of the activities on this card - that is at least once month, for most of the year?

How often do you take part in any activity of this type?



Can’t say

Every day or most days

4–5 days a week

2–3 days a week

Once a week

2–3 times a month

Less often

Can’t say

Frequency of exercise at 30/33

Weekly (once to most days per week)

Monthly (two to three times a month)

Less often or never

30 (cohort member)

Malaise inventory, 24-items measuring psychological distress



33 (cohort member)

Malaise inventory, 24-items measuring psychological distress



Has experienced depression symptoms at 30/33 d

No (score 0–7)

Yes (score of 8 or higher)

30 (cohort member)

Have you ever had or been told that you had a problem with your periods?

Have you ever been told that you had any other gynaecological problems?





33 (cohort member)

Have you ever suffered from or been told you had..?

- Persistent trouble with periods

- Other gynaecological problems


Only when pregnant


Has suffered periods or other gynaecological problems by 30/33



30 (cohort member)

Are you currently taking the contraceptive pill?

Have you ever taken the contraceptive pill?





42 (cohort member)

Are you currently taking the contraceptive pill?

Have you ever taken the contraceptive pill?





Has ever taken contraceptive pill by 30/42



33, 38 (cohort member)

Has anyone you were having a sexual relationship with ever become pregnant? / have you been pregnant?

What was the result of this pregnancy [for the nth baby]?



Live birth

Still birth



Still pregnant

33, 42 (cohort member)

Has anyone you were having a sexual relationship with ever become pregnant? / have you been pregnant?

What was the result of this pregnancy [for the nth baby]?



Live birth

Still birth



Still pregnant

Has no live born children (nulliparous)



38 (cohort member)

Which of the things on this card best describes what you were doing {date of last interview}{next}?

What is your (main) job?

What do you mainly do in your job?

What does the firm or organisation you work for mainly make or do (at the place where you work)?

Full-time paid employee (30 or more hours a week)

Part-time paid employee (under 30 hours a week)

Full-time self-employed

Part-time self-employed

Unemployed and seeking work

Full-time education

On a government scheme for employment training

Temporarily sick/disabled

Permanently sick/disabled

Looking after home/family

Wholly retired

Other (specify)

Open text

Open text

Open text

42 (cohort member)

Which of the things on this card best describes what you are currently doing?

What is your (main) job?

What do you mainly do in your job?

What does the firm or organisation you work for mainly make or do (at the place where you work)?

Full-time paid employee (30 or more hours a week)

Part-time paid employee (under 30 hours a week)

Full-time self-employed

Part-time self-employed

Unemployed and seeking work

Full-time education

On a government scheme for employment training

Temporarily sick/disabled

Permanently sick/disabled

Looking after home/family

Wholly retired

Other (specify)

Open text

Open text

Open text

Social class at 38/42



Not in paid employment

  1. aBirthweight was standardized by gestational age as the difference between the individual’s birthweight (in kg) and the mean birthweight for that gestational age (in weeks) was divided by the standard deviation of birthweight for that gestational age (in weeks) [27]. Gestational age was categorized into six groups: < 37 weeks, 37, 38, 39, 40, > 40 weeks. Birthweight for gestation z-scores was subsequently categorized into quarters (lowest to highest)
  2. bSingle main component (factor) score for cognitive ability (using maths and reading tests at age 10 in BCS and age 11 in NCDS) was extracted using Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The scores were standardised to a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one [81]
  3. cPsychological distress in childhood was derived by summing responses given to the ‘fearful’, ‘miserable’ and ‘worried’ items, loading on the Rutter emotional-neurotic factor [80]. Items were measured on a 3-category scale from 0 to 2, where ‘0 = Does not apply’, ‘1 = Applies somewhat’, and ‘2 = Certainly applies’. Score range from 0 to 6; a high score indicates emotional problems
  4. dPsychological distress in adulthood was derived by summing responses given to the 24 ‘yes-no‘items of the Rutter Malaise inventory [80]. Scores range from 0 to 24; a score of 8 or higher is considered a cut off for experiencing symptoms consistent with depression and used here to derive a binary measure (presence or absence of depression symptoms) [83]