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Table 2 Characteristics at young adulthood and joining weight loss study, and weight change between those times (n = 501)

From: Magnitude and attributed reasons for adult weight gain amongst women at increased risk of breast cancer


Young adulthood

At joining weight loss study

Age at joining weight loss studya


47.6 (8.4)

Height (m)a


1.64 (0.06)






480 (95.8)

 Asian or Asian British


8 (1.6)

 Black or Black British


8 (1.6)



2 (0.6)



3 (0.4)

English Index of Multiple Deprivation quintileb



 1 (most deprived)


64 (12.8)



67 (13.4)



95 (19.0)



123 (24.6)

 5 (least deprived)


152 (30.3)

Premenopausal / Peri or postmenopausalb


271 (54.7) / 224 (45.3)

Missing n = 6



392 (79.0)

Missing n = 5

Lifetime breast cancer risk (%)c


29.0 (22.4–33.3)

Missing n = 12

Weight (kg)c

60.3 (54.0–66.7)d

Missing n = 32

81.5 (72.8–93.5)

Missing n = 0

BMI (kg/m2)c

22.1 (20.3–24.1)d

Missing n = 32

29.9 (27.0–34.7)

Missing n = 0

BMI categoriesb:

 Underweight (< 18.5 kg/m2)

33 (7.0)

0 (0.0)

 Healthy weight (18.5–24.9 kg/m2)

350 (74.6)

37 (7.4)

 Overweight (25–29.9 kg/m2)

63 (13.4)

216 (43.1)

 Obese (≥30.0 kg/m2)

23 (4.9)

248 (49.5)

Weight change since young adulthood (kg)c


20.5 (14.0–29.7)

Missing n = 32

Weight change since young adulthood (%)c


33.7 (23.4–50.2)

Missing n = 32

Duration between young adulthood weight and study entry (y)a


29.3 (8.6)

Weight change per year (kg)c


0.73 (0.51–1.08)

Missing n = 32

Weight change categoryb:



 Lost ≤5%


6 (1.3)

 Maintained (within ±5%)


6 (1.3)

 Gained 5–9.9%


10 (2.1)

 Gained ≥10%


447 (95.3)

Missing n = 32

  1. amean (SD), bn (%), cmedian (IQR: 25th and 75th percentiles), dyoung adulthood weight was self-reported