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Table 1 A review of the content of MBSR training sessions

From: Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction training on rumination in patients with breast cancer

First session

Introduction, introducing participants to each other, and starting conversations, the raisin meditation (eating raisins with the full involvement of the senses of smell, taste, sight and touch)

Second session

Body scan meditation, discuss the dealing with obstacles (such as restlessness and mind wandering), solutions (non-judgment and letting go of disturbing thoughts) and the difference between thoughts and feelings

Third session

Mindful seeing, smelling and listening (focusing of seeing, smelling and listening without any judgment or criticism)

Forth session

Sitting meditation with an emphasis on breathing, body sounds and thoughts (also called 4D meditation)

Fifth session

Sitting meditation, (on the subject of mindfulness about breathing, body, sounds, and thoughts), mindful movements, training and exercising the acceptance meditation and evaluating the negative automatic thoughts

Sixth session

Awareness of thoughts (thoughts are not facts,), allowing negative and positive thoughts to enter the mind and efficiently removing them from the mind

Seventh session

Taking care of yourself (what is the best way to take care of myself?), 4D meditation, and awareness about everything that comes to mind at the present moment

Eighth session

Sitting meditation, review all prior sessions and summarizing the program, discussion on how to incorporating mindfulness in daily life, congratulate yourself for reaching this point