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Table 2 Preferred abortion terms among people presenting for abortion care (n = 697)

From: Abortion terminology preferences: a cross-sectional survey of people accessing abortion care

We used the terms "end this pregnancy" and "abortion" to describe what you are seeking today. Given the choice, what word(s) do you prefer to describe it?

Participants who preferred a single term

Participants who had no preference for a single term

n (%)

n (%)


400 (57.4)

297 (42.6)

Preferred terma



172 (43.0)

125 (42.1)

 Ending a pregnancy

117 (29.3)

116 (39.1)

 Pregnancy termination

95 (23.8)

106 (35.7)


9 (2.3)

12 (4.0)


6 (1.5)

0 (0)


1 (0.3)

3 (1.0)

None, no preference for terms


169 (56.9)

  1. aParticipants could select more than one term