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Table 2 Framing definitions and constructs using the Theoretical Domains Framework to analyse barriers and facilitators

From: Facilitators and barriers to engaging with the DREAMS initiative among young women who sell sex aged 18–24 in Zimbabwe: a qualitative study

Domain and definitions

Constructs to frame barriers and facilitators

Knowledge: An understanding of the existence of the DREAMS interventions

Knowledge about DREAMS opportunities

Procedural knowledge about enrolment into DREAMS

Skills: Training or proficiency obtained through practice/DREAMS

Increased education and skills acquired through DREAMS

Practice and application of skills

Beliefs about capabilities: Realisation about own capabilities, talents and ability to translate new information and skills to constructive use


Self-confidence / Self-esteem

Perceived competence


Motivation, intentions and goals: Mental perceptions about the outcomes that YWSS believe they can achieve through conscious behaviours that facilitate goals achievement

Intrinsic ambitions or goals

Perceived attitudes, beliefs or intention of peers

Expectations of programme participation

Context and resources: Any circumstance of YWSS’ context that hamper or facilitates the development of skills and capabilities, confidence, independence, optimism, perseverance, social competence and adaptive behaviour or to attain goals

Available financial or material resources

Expenses incurred by participation

Opportunity costs (childcare, familial responsibilities)

Social influences: The interpersonal actions that lead to a change of thoughts, feelings, or attitudes to participating in DREAMS

Social support: new friendships and social networks

Mentorship/ approval from adults: positive messages from teachers/ family members

Social comparisons/ personal or group social identity

Social pressure—power/hierarchy resulting in stigma and discrimination

DREAMS implementation dynamics -supervision and follow up of participant, community champions, enrolment, information dissemination, support structures

Conflict—competing demands, conflicting roles, intergroup/family conflict and alienation