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Table 1 Patient's clinical characteristics

From: Dyslipidaemia in HIV-infected women on antiretroviral therapy. Analysis of 922 patients from the Spanish VACH cohort


n (%)


42.1 ± 8.3

CD4 lymphocyte count (cells/mm3)**

544.5 (373.5-759.5)

CD4 nadir (cells/mm3)**

184.5 (76-275)

Undetectable HIV-1 viral load (<50 cop/mL)

789 (85.6)

Previous AIDS diagnosis

241 (26.1)

Hepatitis C (n = 812)

369 (45.7)

Genotype HCV (n = 198)



113 (57.1)


47 (23.7)


36 (18.2)


2 (1.0)

Hepatitis B (n = 150)

33 (4.3)

BMI (Kg/m 2 )*

23.7 (4.4)

Current smoker

505 (54.8)


153 (16.6)


24 (2.6)

Way of transmission



570 (61.8)

Injectable drug use

299 (32.4)

Blood derivatives

14 (1.5)

Vertical transmission

7 (0.8)


32 (3.5)

Previous CV disease

13 (1.4)

Familiar history of premature CVD

46 (5.0)

10-year CV risk (Framingham)**

2% (1-4)

Total cholesterol (mg/dL)* (n = 907)

194.2 (±45.2)

HDL cholesterol (mg/dL)* (n = 907)

54.9 (±16.3)

CT/HDL ratio* (n = 907)

3.7 (±1.1)

LDL cholesterol (mg/dL)* (n = 903)

111.8 (36.6)

Triglycerides (mg/dL)**

116 (85-163)

Patients with hyperlipidemia §

480 (52.7)

Glucose (mg/dL)*

94.7 (±24.2)

Creatinine (mg/dL)*

0.78 (±0.19)

eGFR (mL/min)*

90.3 (76.9-107.2)

Current antiretroviral therapy

NRTI + NNRTI (Group 2)

437 (47.4)

NRTI + PI (Group 1)

412 (44.7)

Only NRTI (Group 3)

62 (6.7)

NRTI + PI + NNRTI (Group 4)

11 (1.2)

Thymidine NRTI

180 (19.5)

Median time on current treatment (months)**

22 (11-36)

Accumulated time on ART (months)**

116 (71-149)

  1. N = 922.
  2. * Media (±standard deviation); ** Median (Interquartile range); BMI: body mass index, eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate by Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula. § Hyperlipidemia: (any of the following: TC >200, LDL > 130, TG > 200, CT/HDL ratio >4.5); PI: protease inhibitor; NRTI: nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI: non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. ART, antiretroviral therapy.