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Table 1 Physicians reasons for not using a CPG for AUB or hysterectomy (N = 177)

From: Management of abnormal uterine bleeding by northern, rural and isolated primary care physicians: PART II: What do we need?


N (%)

I did not know that such a guideline existed

112 (63.3)

I am not familiar enough with the guideline

35 (19.8)

I am confident in managing abnormal uterine bleeding without a guideline

26 (14.7)

I don't have time to look through the guideline

9 (5.1)

I have searched, but was unable to find such a guideline

6 (3.4)

I never see cases of abnormal uterine bleeding

2 (1.1)

I do not agree with the guideline(s)

1 (0.6)

I do not believe in CPGs in general

1 (0.6)