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Table 1 Key questions from the questionnaire *

From: Women's attitudes towards mechanisms of action of family planning methods: survey in primary health centres in Pamplona, Spain

8. In some cases there is a loss of a fertilized egg or an embryo because of natural causes at Stage 2 or 3. However the loss can be also caused by some birth control methods. Is it an important difference for you if the loss of an embryo is natural or caused by a method of birth control? (Yes/No/Unsure)

10. Would you consider using a birth control method that sometimes works after fertilization but before implantation (Stage 2)? (Yes/No/Unsure)

11. If you were using a birth control method, and you learned that it sometimes works after fertilization but before implantation, would you stop or continue using the method? (Stop/Continue/Unsure)

12. Does your above choice depend on how often the given method works after fertilization but before implantation? (Yes/No/Unsure)

If Yes – how often would the method have to work at Stage 2 to make you stop using the method? (More than one time in one year/More than one time in ten years/More than one time in 100 years: if 100 women use the method one of them experience it in each year/Other (please, specify)/Do not know)

13. Would you consider using a birth control method that sometimes works after implantation in the uterus (Stage 3)? (Yes/No/Unsure)

14. If you were using a birth control method, and you learned that it sometimes works after implantation in the uterus (Stage 3), would you stop or continue using the method? (Stop/Continue/Unsure)

15. Does your above choice depend on how often the given method works after implantation? (Yes/No/Unsure)

If Yes – how often would the method have to work at Stage 3 to make you stop using the method? (More than one time in one year/More than one time in ten years/More than one time in 100 years: if 100 women use the method one of them experience it in each year/Other(please, specify)/Do not know)

18. If you are using a birth control method that might sometimes work after fertilization but before implantation (Stage 2), should your doctor or provider tell you the details about how the method works? (Yes/No/Unsure)

19. If you are using a birth control method that might sometimes work after implantation (Stage 3), should your doctor or provider tell you the details about how the method works? (Yes/No/Unsure)

21. When do you believe human life begins? Please check the one that best applies.

(At some time before fertilization/At the time that the sperm and egg unite (fertilization)/At the time that the embryo implants into the uterus (implantation)/At the time that the embryo or fetus reaches a certain stage of development. What time or stage?/When fetus could survive on its own outside the uterus/At birth/Sometime after birth – when?/There is no exact time at which I can say that human life has definitely begun/I am not sure/I do not have an opinion/Other, please describe)

  1. * Possible answers of the questions are presented in brackets. The questions are numbered as in the questionnaire.