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Table 2 Subjects' responses to questions about satisfaction with the contraceptive patch

From: Satisfaction and compliance in hormonal contraception: the result of a multicentre clinical study on women's experience with the ethinylestradiol/norelgestromin contraceptive patch in Italy


Visit 3

(3 months)

N (%)a

Visit 4

(6 months)

N (%)b

Patch was convenient/very convenient

163 (81%)

155 (88%)

Worried a little/none of the time about getting pregnant

173 (86%)

155 (88%)

Satisfied/very satisfied about adhesion of patch

159 (79%)

150 (85%)

Satisfied/very satisfied about adhesion of patch in heat/humidity

138 (68%)

127 (72%)

Satisfied/very satisfied with choice of 4 application sites

161 (80%)

148 (84%)

Agreed/strongly agreed easily incorporated patch into lifestyle

177 (88%)

169 (95%)

Agreed/strongly agreed satisfied with once-a-week frequency

184 (91%)*

169 (96%)*

Agreed/strongly agreed felt secure that patch works

165 (82%)

158 (89%)

Agreed/strongly agreed patch improved sex life

101 (50%)

102 (58%)

Agreed/strongly agreed partner accepted patch

152 (75%)

140 (79%)

Overall satisfaction with the patch

167 (83%)

156 (88%)

  1. a On a total of 202 subjects
  2. b On a total of 177 subjects
  3. *P < 0.01 V4 vs V3