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Table 2 Exercise Benefits/Barriers Scale scores at Week 0, 10 and 20 during three lifestyle modification programs

From: Perceived exercise barriers are reduced and benefits are improved with lifestyle modification in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a randomised controlled trial


Week 0

Week 10

Week 20












Time x Treatment

EBBS Score

128 (14)

129 (11)

131 (11)

132 (14)

140 (13)

136 (14)

132 (14)

141 (12)

136 (14)

P < 0.001

P = 0.2

Benefits Score

91 (12)

89 (9)

89 (7)

86 (9)

91 (8)

89 (11)

93 (12)

97 (11)

92 (9)

P < 0.001

P = 0.3

Barriers Score

33 (4)*

30 (4)

28 (4)

31 (4)

25 (5)

26 (5)

30 (4)

25 (5)

26 (7)

P < 0.001

P = 0.3

Perceived Benefits Subscales


 Life enhancement

3.15 (0.44)

3.15 (0.41)

3.07 (0.33)

3.25 (0.38)

3.34 (0.45)

3.09 (0.38)

3.28 (0.44)

3.37 (0.44)

3.11 (0.39)

P = 0.1

P = 0.2

 Physical performance

3.41 (0.44)

3.26 (0.38)

3.33 (0.34)

3.34 (0.41)

3.46 (0.41)

3.39 (0.37)

3.38 (0.41)

3.54 (0.37)**

3.36 (0.37)

P = 0.1

P = 0.04

 Psychological outlook

3.13 (0.48)

3.08 (0.23)

3.12 (0.32)

3.20 (0.46)

3.33 (0.28)

3.44 (0.33)

3.30 (0.45)

3.36 (0.38)

3.33 (0.38)

P < 0.001

P = 0.2

 Social interaction

2.44 (0.50)

2.36 (0.52)

2.61 (0.47)

2.65 (0.55)

2.75 (0.76)

2.71 (0.59)

2.60 (0.39)

2.68 (0.62)

2.76 (0.63)

P = 0.001

P = 0.4

 Preventative health

3.33 (0.59)

3.30 (0.38)

3.23 (0.35)

3.36 (0.48)

3.36 (0.41)

3.23 (0.37)

3.35 (0.45)

3.55 (0.48)

3.23 (0.40)

P = 0.6

P = 0.6

Perceived Barriers Subscales


 Exercise milieu

2.16 (0.53)

2.08 (0.44)

1.90 (0.32)

2.06 (0.39)

1.73 (0.54)

1.67 (0.43)

1.95 (0.36)

1.69 (0.43)

1.69 (0.48)

P < 0.001

P = 0.5

 Time expenditure

2.36 (0.46)*

2.09 (0.50)

1.98 (0.39)

2.18 (0.52)

1.64 (0.38)

1.87 (0.49)

2.08 (0.34)

1.79 (0.58)

1.91 (0.72)

P = 0.003

P = 0.3

 Physical exertion

3.03 (0.63)

2.85 (0.37)

2.51 (0.49)

2.78 (0.50)

2.52 (0.53)

2.42 (0.44)

2.90 (0.63)

2.42 (0.45)

2.32 (0.53)

P < 0.001

P = 0.2

 Family discouragement

1.69 (0.56)

1.41 (0.49)

1.61 (0.61)

1.85 (0.38)

1.32 (0.46)

1.61 (0.70)

1.62 (0.42)

1.36 (0.50)

1.58 (0.69)

P = 0.6

P = 0.6

  1. DA diet and aerobic exercise, DC diet and combined aerobic and resistance exercise, DO diet only, EBBS exercise benefits/barriers scale
  2. Values are mean (SD); *significantly different compared with DC, P = 0.04; **significantly different compared with Week 0, P = 0.009