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Table 2 Concordance between serum and MLPT resultsa: % (n)

From: Results of a pilot study in the U.S. and Vietnam to assess the utility and acceptability of a multi-level pregnancy test (MLPT) for home monitoring of hCG trends after assisted reproduction


Serum showed steady or increase in hCGb and at least 25 mIU/ml

Serum showed hCG < 25 or decrease in hCGb

MLPT showed steady or increase in hCGb and at least 25 mIU/ml (n = 106)

99.1 (105)

0.9 (1)

MLPT showed hCG < 25 or decrease in hCGb (n = 50)

10.0 (5)

90.0 (45)

  1. aThere were 6 MLPTs with no serum test with which to compare,14 serum tests with no MLPT with which to compare, and 3 inconclusive MLPTs
  2. bAs compared to previous test. For the first test, we compared to an assumed 0 hCG level pre-ART
  3. Kappa = 0.91 (95% CI: 0.84–0.98)