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Table 2 Quantitative contraception use

From: The myth of menstruation: how menstrual regulation and suppression impact contraceptive choice


Total sample

Current Contraceptive Method

 Birth Control Pill

207 (37.80)


61 (11.20)

 Withdrawal Method

221 (40.40)

 Emergency Contraception

175 (32.00)

 Implant (Implanon® or Nexplanon®)

11 (2.00)

 IUD (Mirena®, ParaGuard®, Skyla®) Shot (Depo-Provera or Lunelle)

48 (8.80)

 Natural Family Planning Method or Rhythm Method

5 (0.09)

 Patch (Ortho Evra)

2 (0.40)

 Shot (Depo-Provera or Lunelle)

9 (1.60)

 Vaginal Ring

49 (9.00)

 Female Sterilization

6 (1.10)

 Never used a contraceptive method

30 (5.50)

Reason for primary contraceptive method

 Convenience of use

123 (22.50)

 Availability of method

46 (8.40)

 Lack of information about alternatives

10 (1.80)

 Unreliability of alternative methods

24 (4.40)

 Reduce side effects (cramping, acne, etc.)

9 (1.60)

  1. Listed as n (%). Frequencies that do not sum to total represent missing data