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Table 2 The size of CSD before and after VR

From: Vaginal repaired cesarean section diverticulum is beneficial in women with two prior cesarean sections


Group A (n = 193)

Group B (n = 55)

Size of CSD before VR (n, %)

7.99*12.43*6.62 (172, 89.12%)

7.76*11.71*6.20 (51, 92.73%)

Size of CSD at 3 months after VR (n, %)

5.54*9.19*5.60 (63, 32.64%)

6.22*10.17*5.89 (18, 32.73%)

Size of CSD at 6 months after VR (n, %)

5.75*9.04*6.18 (45, 23.32%)

5.42*11.58*5.08 (12, 21.82%)

  1. CSD cesarean section diverticulum, VR vaginal repair