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Table 2 Patients characteristics of thromboembolic risk factors of the European studies

From: Efficacy and cardiovascular safety of the new estrogen-free contraceptive pill containing 4 mg drospirenone alone in a 24/4 regime


Study 1

Study 2

n (%)




(N = 713)

(N = 858)

(N = 332)

Age, mean (SD), yr

28.7 (7.1)

28.9 (7.1)

28.9 (7.1)

Age group

≤35 yr

569 (79.8)

682 (79.5)

259 (78.0)

> 35 yr

144 (20.2)

176 (20.5)

73 (22.0)

BMI, mean (SD) (kg/m2)

23.0 (3.8)

23.0 (3.5)

22.8 (3.9)

BMI group

< 30

672 (94.2)

828 (96.5)

316 (95.2)


41 (5.8)

30 (3.5)

16 (4.8)

BP group (mm Hg)

SBP < 130, DBP < 85

571 (80.1)

727 (84.7)

290 (87.3)

SBP ≥130, DBP ≥85

142 (19.9)

131 (15.3)

42 (12.7)

Presence of ≥1 VTE risk factor

110 (15.4)

142 (16.5)

59 (17.8)

Current smoker

182 (25.5)

237 (27.6)

103 (31.0)

Regular menstrual bleeding during the last 6 cycles

680 (95,4)

786 (91.6)

305 (91.9)

Prior treatment with sex hormones and modulators of genital system

455 (63,8)

704 (82.1)

288 (86.7)


287 (40.3)

417 (48.6)