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Table 1 Mean and standard deviation of vaginal pressure values and within-session intra-rater reliability analysis for vaginal pressure values for examiners 1 and 2 (N = 20)

From: Reliability and validity of pelvic floor muscle strength assessment using the MizCure perineometer


Supine position

Standing position

Mean ± SD

ICC (1, 1) (95% CI)

Mean ± SD

ICC (1, 1) (95% CI)

Examiner 1

 Test 1

  Peritron (cmH2O)

37.5 ± 14.6

0.96 (0.93–0.98)

36.7 ± 10.3

0.95 (0.90–0.97)

  MizCure (mmHg)

25.1 ± 8.1

0.92 (0.85–0.96)

25.0 ± 9.0

0.92 (0.84–0.96)

 Test 2

  MizCure (mmHg)

25.1 ± 8.1

0.91 (0.82–0.96)

25.0 ± 9.0

0.93 (0.87–0.97)

Examiner 2

 Test 1

  Peritron (cmH2O)

36.4 ± 14.8

0.94 (0.89–0.97)

37.7 ± 10.5

0.94 (0.89–0.97)

  MizCure (mmHg)

26.5 ± 8.3

0.90 (0.80–0.95)

24.6 ± 10.7

0.95 (0.91–0.98)

 Test 2

  MizCure (mmHg)

25.5 ± 8.4

0.90 (0.82–0.95)

27.2 ± 10.6

0.93 (0.87–0.97)

  1. Values are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD)
  2. Test 2 was performed 2–6 weeks after Test 1
  3. ICC intraclass correlation coefficient, CI confidence interval