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Table 2 Major categories, sub-categories and sub-themes related to Iranian women’s job experience

From: Iranian superwomen's career experiences: a qualitative study

Main categories


Contextual factors of job experience

Limited job opportunities for women

Educational context (mindset formed in birthparents’ home)

Obligation in getting a job and continuing it

Freedom in getting a job and continuing it

Personality characteristics

Non-cognitive abilities

Spiritual intelligence

Emotional intelligence

Strategies adopted in solving job problems

Effective strategies

Benefiting from abundance mentality

Win–win thinking

Use of environmental potentials

Use of individual potential

Having a vision and strategic planning

Ineffective strategies

Benefiting from scarcity mentality

Lack of proper use of opportunities

Win-lose thinking

Fear of risk

Perceived consequences of employment

Psychological consequences

Positive consequences

Independence, self-esteem, happiness…

Social consequences

Negative consequences

Feeling of jealousy, Lack of interest in life Feelings of guilt, Feeling of anger towards others, Feeling of inadequacy

Positive consequences

Social dignity

Negative consequences

Pressures from multi-role expectations, Perceived gender pressures