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Table 1 Characteristics of the study sample (n = 705)

From: Prevalence and factors associated with menstruation-related school absenteeism among adolescent girls in rural northern Ghana


Frequency (%)

Socio-demographic characteristics



258 (36.6)


376 (53.3)


71 (10.1)



655 (92.9)


35 (5.0)


15 (2.1)

Mother’s education

 No formal education

527 (74.8)

 Primary education

154 (21.8)

 Secondary or higher education

24 (3.4)

Parent(s) income status


518 (73.5)


153 (21.7)


34 (4.8)

Menstruation-related characteristics

Type of sanitary material used during the last menstruation

 Sanitary pad

464 (65.8)


241 (34.2)

Privacy in school


242 (34.3)


463 (65.7)

Cultural restrictions


398 (56.5)


307 (43.5)

Menstruation-related School absenteeism


511 (72.5)


194 (27.5)

Number of days absent in a month (n = 194)

 1–2 days

95 (49.0)

 3–4 days

72 (37.1)

 5–7 days

27 (13.9)