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Table 2 VCT uptake in relation to HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, HIV/AIDS-related stigma and risky sexual behavior history among Women in Ethiopia, 2016

From: Determinants of HIV voluntary counseling and testing: a multilevel modelling of the Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey


Tested for HIV (%)

Not tested for HIV (%)

Knowledge indicators


Always use condoms during sex (Yes)

4909 (54.2)

4140 (45.8)

Have 1 sex partner only, who has no other partners (Yes)

5429 (50.2)

5391 (49.8)

Can get HIV from mosquito bites (No)

3970 (52.2)

3631 (47.8)

Can get HIV by sharing food with person who has AIDS(No)

6047 (52.6)

5456 (47.8)

Can get HIV by witchcraft or supernatural means (No)

5974 (51.5)

5636 (48.5)

A healthy looking person can have HIV (Yes)

4995 (52.9)

4446 (47.1)

Stigma indicators


Would be ashamed if someone in the family had HIV (Disagree)

4320 (54.0)

3682 (46.0)

Would buy vegetables from vendor with HIV (Yes)

3761 (59.1)

2593 (40.9)

Children with HIV should be allowed to attend school with children without HIV (Yes)

4272 (59.4)

2915 (40.6)

People hesitate to take HIV test because reaction of other people if positive (No)

1717 (42.1)

2366 (51.9)

People talk badly about people with or believed to have HIV (No)

3555 (52.2)

3249 (47.8)

People with or believed to have HIV lose respect from other people (No)

3884 (52.1)

3575 (47.9)

Risky sexual behavior indicators


Had any STI in last 12 months (Yes)

28 (66.7)

14 (33.3)

Had genital sore/ulcer in last 12 months (Yes)

133 (55.4)

107 (44.6)

Had genital discharge in last 12 months (Yes)

169 (58.9)

118 (41.1)

At least one sexual partner other than husband in last 12 months(Yes)

5429 (50.2)

5391 (49.8))

Had multiple life time sexual partner (Yes)

2601 (42.2)

3531 (57.8)