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Table 2 Severity of menopausal symptoms and marital satisfaction in the intervention and control groups before and after the intervention

From: The effect of self-care education program on the severity of menopause symptoms and marital satisfaction in postmenopausal women: a randomized controlled clinical trial




Mean difference (95% CI)


P-value (group × time interaction effect)

Intervention group (n = 33)

Control group (n = 34)

Severity of menopausal symptoms

Pre-Intervention $

46.88 ± 3.3

46.03 ± 4.6

0.849 (− 1.10 to 2.80)


< 0.001##


Post-intervention $$

39.33 ± 3.7

45.85 ± 4.3

7.191 (5.95–8.42)

< 0.001

< 0.001###


Difference between pre- and post-intervention $$$

7.54 (6.32–8.77)

P < 0.001

0.176 (− 0.32 to 0.67)

P = 0.475

7.43 (5.99–8.88)

< 0.001#


Marital satisfaction

Pre-Intervention $

35.15 ± 4.3

36.03 ± 5.59

− 0.88 (− 3.32 to 1.57)


< 0.001##


Post-intervention $$

49.48 ± 3.2

36.23 ± 5.69

13.94 (12.7–15.14)

< 0.001

< 0.001###


Difference between pre- and post-intervention $$$

14.3 (13.05–15.61)

P < 0.001

0.206 (− 0.17 to 0.58)

P = 0.281

14.09 (12.7–15.45)

< 0.001#

  1. $: Pre intervention based on independent t-test; $$: Post intervention based on Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted for pre intervention; $$$: Changes in pre and post intervention in intervention and control groups based on Sidak post hoc in RMANOVA after Greenhouse-Geiser correction; #: Post-intervention based on Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) adjusted for, Age, First menstruation age, Menopausal age, Number of children, occupation, and education level (fully adjusted model); ##: Assessing the interaction effect of group and time based on two way analysis of variance with repeated measures (RMANOVA) after Greenhouse-Geiser correction; ###: Assessing the interaction effect of group and time based on two way analysis of covariance with repeated measures (RMANCOVA) after Greenhouse-Geiser correction for Age, First menstruation age, Menopausal age, Number of children, Marriage status, Job status, and qualification (fully adjusted model)