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Table 2 Interview questions for the focus group

From: Women survivors of intimate partner violence talk about using e-health during pregnancy: a focus group study

1. Understanding the support needs, preferences and concerns of pregnant women who experience IPVAW

1.1. What was the most important help or support you received that you can highlight as especially useful for you?

1.2. What kind of help or support would you have liked to receive at that time or what kind of help do you think a pregnant woman who experiences intimate partner violence would like to receive?

1.3. What do you think are the main concerns of a pregnant woman when she is in a violent relationship? [for example, consequences of leaving her partner? concern about her pregnancy?]

2. Key aspects that should be taken into account when conducting video counseling

2.1 What content or what topics do you think are most important for working with a pregnant woman who is experiencing intimate partner violence in the 6 video counseling sessions that we provide to them?

2.2 What is the first thing that comes to mind or what do you think when you imagine the possibility of talking to a counselor through a video call?

2.3 What specific things could the counselor do to make you feel safe during the video counseling sessions?

2.4 When and where do you imagine yourself receiving those video counseling sessions? (i.e., at home, away from home…)

2.5 Is there anything you think you could not talk about if the counseling was done through video calls?

3. Safety plan: opinion about the use of the app

3.1. In your experience, what are the most important things for a woman to feel safe in an abusive relationship?

3.2. Do you think that we should take something specific into account when addressing safety with women who are pregnant and experience intimate partner violence?

3.3. Can an app like this increase the safety of women in this situation? We are now going to look at each feature separately (i.e., Contacts, Peer stories, Mood rating, Information on how IPVAW can affect pregnancy, Safety plan) and I will ask you to answer the following questions:

(i) Any thoughts on this feature?

(ii) Is there anything you would change or add?

(iii) Can you imagine using this function of the app?

(iv) After seeing the entire app, what do you think about using an app like this to develop women’s safety plans?