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Table 2 Assessment of cancer prevention screening behaviour

From: Cancer prevention in females with and without obesity: Does perceived and internalised weight bias determine cancer prevention behaviour?




Construction of variables assessing CPS1

HPV vaccination2

Women aged < 31

“Have you had an HPV vaccination?”

0 = no, 1 = yes

0 = no vaccination

1 = being vaccinated

Pap smear test

Women aged ≥ 20

“How often do you use this particular CPS?”

five-point Likert scale (0 = never, 1 = less than once a year, 2 = once a year, 3 = twice a year, 4 = more than twice a year)

0 = less than once a year

1 = at least once a year

Clinical examination of the breast

Women aged ≥ 30


Mammography screening

Women aged 50–69

“Have you ever used this particular CPS and if so how often?”

seven-point Likert scale (0 = never, 1 once, 2 = twice, 3 = three times, 4 = four times, 5 = five times, 6 = more than five times)

0 = less than every two years

1 = at least every two years


Women aged ≥ 50

0 = less than once a year for women aged 50–54 or less than every other year for women aged ≥ 55

1 = at least annually for women aged 50–54 or at least every other year for women aged ≥ 55


Women aged ≥ 50

0 = no colonoscopy or less than every ten years

1 = at least every ten years

Self-examination of the breast

Women aged ≥ 30

“How often do you examine your breast by yourself?”

Seven-point Likert scale (0 = never, 1 = infrequent, 2 = once a month, 3 = several times a month, 4 = once a week, 5 = several times a week, 6 = daily)

Metric variable

  1. 1The value 0 displays insufficient, the value of 1 displays at least sufficient utilisation of CPS
  2. 2The HPV vaccination is a relatively new prevention method for cervical cancer that is applied since the early 2000s. We therefore asked only participants under 31 years if they had been HPV vaccinated