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Table 3 The final planned behavior theory cervical cancer screening intention scale

From: Using Delphi method to develop Chinese women’s cervical cancer screening intention scale based on planned behavior theory

Dimension 1: Attitude towards behavior

1. I think it is important to get information about cervical cancer screening

2. I feel that having regular cervical cancer screenings gives me peace of mind about my health

3. I think cervical cancer screening can help decrease the incidence

4. I think cervical cancer screening can help reduce the death rate of women

5. I think cervical diseases can be detected early through cervical cancer screening

6. I will regret if I miss or do not attend a cervical cancer screening program

7. I believe that all eligible women should be screened regularly for cervical cancer

Dimension two: subjective norms

1. My boyfriend/husband will support me if I get screened for cervical cancer

2. My family thinks I should be screened for cervical cancer

3. My friends encourage me to get screened for cervical cancer

4. I am willing to listen to the advice of people around me to get cervical cancer screening

5. For me, the doctor's advice is very important in my cervical cancer screening

6. I am willing to listen to the suggestions of the community/unit to do cervical cancer screening

Dimension three: perceived behavioral control

1. I think it is entirely up to me to decide whether to get screened for cervical cancer

2. Doing cervical cancer screening will make me feel embarrassed/ashamed

3. I'd be more willing to be examined by a female doctor

4. I will be screened for cervical cancer even if I am healthy

5. I will be screened for cervical cancer despite some discomfort during the screening process

6. If cervical cancer screening becomes more convenient, I will get screened

7. If cancer is found, I choose not to know

Dimension four: behavioral intention

1. After knowing the relevant information, I am willing to undergo cervical cancer screening

2. I would like to undergo cervical cancer screening if I have the conditions in the future

3. I will be screened regularly for cervical cancer