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Table 2 Contents of the cervical cancer education materials for university students

From: Process of developing a cervical cancer education program for female university students in a Health and Physical Education teacher training course: an action research

Major items

Moderate items

Small items

What is cervical cancer?



Causes of cervical cancer


Transmission route (sex)

HPV is transmitted to both men and women

Japanese cancer (statistics of death and morbidity)


Early detection of cancer

About HPV vaccine

Column: From university faculty

Who and how often should I have a cervical cancer screening?

Every woman who is 20 years old or older. Every 2 years

Cancer screening to save many lives: Cancer screening based on scientific evidence

Cancer screening is for those who are healthy

How is cervical cancer screening performed? (from a survivor)

Brush reference diagram

When you go for a medical check-up, wear easy-to-wear clothes!

Column: Student screening experience

Column: Gynecologist

Can most cancers be prevented

12 new ways to prevent cancer

What is the prevention of 'cancer'?


What if abnormalities are found in the cervical cancer screening?

What if abnormalities are diagnosed as a result of the detailed inspection?

The symptoms and progression

What is conization?