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Table 1 Example of strategies used in intervention based on HPM constructs

From: A comprehensive health-promoting neighborhood intervention to improve health care seeking behavior among reproductive age Iranian women

HPM constructs


Perceived benefits

Using group discussions about the benefits of early referral to a doctor or other health care staff at the onset of illness.

Perceived barriers

Increasing knowledge about the signs or symptoms of women’s diseases to reduce cognitive barriers; explaining how to use the health system referral system to reduce health costs; introducing inexpensive or charity health centers that offer quality services; individual counseling to solve barriers

Perceived self-efficacy

Strategies for managing stress, financial issues and timely visits to the doctor.

Activity-related affect

Inviting a local woman with treated cancer to share her positive and negative emotions that she had had during the treatment process; using positive thinking techniques to overcome the fear of medical treatment (e.g., having a positive conversation with yourself, using religious recitations, thinking about positive results); playing photos and videos to become familiar with medical diagnostic methods; sharing the experiences regarding endoscopy to reduce feelings of embarrassment, fear and anxiety; strategies for contributing to patient safety and preventing the transmission of hospital infections.

Interpersonal influences

Holding the meeting “All together for the health of women in the neighborhood” attended by women of the experimental group and people who had supported them (such as mother, sister or daughter) at the health center and explaining health plans by health care staff and inviting them to further contribute to improving neighborhood health; development of self-assistant health groups from neighbors; introducing healthy role models and awarding prizes to them; selecting the neighborhood health volunteers to reflect the problems and needs of women to health care staff; local religious people’s support for women’s health at religious meetings by reminding health messages; teaching the principles of establishing effective communication with the patient to health care staff; sending printed pamphlets on the ways of supporting women’s health to the participants’ husbands; informing about the mental health services for counseling and assisting in resolving psychological problems.

Situational influences

Introducing an app to identify the location of nearest health centers, pharmacies and laboratories across the city; introducing diagnostic centers and hospitals that have beautiful environment and offer quality and affordable services.

Immediate competitive preferences and demands

Showing the video of “The woman: heart of the family” and holding a group discussion about the video’s message; providing information about medication management; practicing the skills of reading the medication brochures contain; showing a video about the complications of self-medicated chemical and herbal drugs; using self-assessment checklists on how to consume medications at home; simulating the scenario of a serious illness development for the participant and suggesting possible choices.

Commitment to plan of action

The technique of setting and prioritizing short-term objectives; practicing the skill of measuring respiration rate and pulse rate as well as the skills of using some medical equipment in small groups; training the continuous assessment of warning signs and symptoms and early diagnosis.