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Table 1 Variable categorisation and levelling

From: Factors influencing maternal healthcare utilization in Papua New Guinea: Andersen’s behaviour model



Outcome variable

 ANC, SBA and PNC services utilisation

ANC: receiving at least four or more ANC visits

Categorised into two levels: No, Yes

SBA: delivery assisted by a skilled health personnel

Categorised into two levels: No, Yes

PNC: having a postnatal check-up after delivery

Categorised into two levels: No, Yes

Explanatory variables

Predisposing factors


Categorised into three levels: 15–19 years, 20–34 years, 35–49 years

  Marital status

Categorised into two levels: Cohabiting, Married


Categorised into two levels: Not working, Working


Categorised into four levels: No education, Primary, Secondary, Higher


Categorised into three levels: No religion, Christianity, Non-Christianity

 Enabling factors

  Media exposure

Categorised into two levels: No, Yes

  Getting money needed for treatment

Categorised into two levels: Big problem, Not a big problem

  Distance to health facility

Categorised into two levels: Big problem, Not a big problem

  Decision maker on healthcare

Categorised into two levels: Not alone, Alone

  Household wealth

Categorised into five levels: Poorest, Poorer, Middle, Richer, Richest

  Health insurance

Categorised into two levels: No, Yes


Categorised into four levels: Southern region, Highlands region, Momase region, Islands region


Categorised into two levels: Rural, Urban

 Need factors


Categorised into three levels: 1, 2, ≥ 3

  Pregnancy terminations

Categorised into two levels: No, Yes