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Table 2 An example of data analysis

From: Identification of causes and consequences of Kolberi among Iranian Kurdish women: a grounded theory study





Economic factors

Financial poverty

Poverty, financial crunch, debts, low support from social organizations

“We have no land nor house. We have rented a house and cannot afford to meet our needs. We need to do Kolberi”

“Life incurs much costs, and we have no income. My children are small and can’t work. I have to go Kolberi”


Lack of jobs, widespread family unemployment, widespread unemployment in the region, lack of farmlands and fertile lands, lack of industrial workshops in the region, lack of investment for launching a job

“There is no other job to do; otherwise, I would never do Kolberi”

“If there is someone to come forward and give me a good job, I will do away with Kolberi”

“There are no other jobs in here, no factories, no workshop, nothing. Our farming also has little income and we have to go Kolberi”

“I have no money to get a job around. I have to come and do the Kolberi”