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Table 3 Extracted participants’ comments categorized according to sub-themes

From: Enhancing antenatal education in Pakistan: an audit and recommendations

Sub themes

Comments from attendees


Patient satisfaction

The antenatal classes are very beneficial and made me much more prepared and relaxed for the delivery


I found the classes very beneficial. The exercises explained were particularly helpful

Very useful especially for first time mothers

It was a great effort with all necessary information being given and questions being answered very well

Overall, a very effective and useful experience

These classes are very informative but are not advertised or promoted during hospital visits. I heard about them from someone otherwise would not have known about them

Courses were very informative. More courses should be conducted from time to time

Very informative programme

I am glad that my questions were thoroughly answered

Very satisfied with the classes and am very glad I took them


Structure of classes and curriculum

Class timing is very long for pregnant mothers to sit comfortably


Classes were a little lengthy timing wise, otherwise very helpful

Shorter length of classes a greater number spaced out throughout the 9 months would be better

Please keep a full course recap in the final week

The classes regarding changes in pregnancy, diet and nutrition should be offered earlier in the pregnancy and those concerning labour and delivery towards the end of pregnancy

Inclusion of Post natal education

Perhaps sessions like changing diapers and baby’s clothes could be very helpful


More courses should be conducted throughout the course of pregnancy, especially about important things to know about after delivery

Labour and birth were covered in the classes but I would have liked to know more about the precautions I have to take after birth

I think the delivery sessions were very good. A little information about managing a newborn baby, especially from the perspective of a father would have been great

Resource availability for personal use

Booklets and other additional aid would have been greatly appreciated


Very thorough class. All my queries were answered. Pamphlets should be provided as well

A handout of a summary of each class would be very beneficial if provided

The presentations should be shared with the participants for viewing at their convenience

Costing/pricing for rooms and delivery/pain relief methods would be of help