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Table 1 Overall survival of 2,715 women with breast cancer according to the age-group at diagnosis

From: Breast cancer survival after mammography dissemination in Brazil: a population-based analysis of 2,715 cases

Age (years)

Meana Overall Survival (95% CI)

Five-years Overall Survival (SD)

Ten-years Overall Survival (SD)

 < 40

8.5 years (8.1–8.9)

82.2% (2.5%)

68.7% (5.9%)

40 to 49

9.1 years (8.9–9.3)

87.7% (1.4%)

82.1% (2.4%)

50 to 59

8.7 years (8.5–9.0)

83.7% (1.4%)

78.6% (2.5%)

60 to 69

8.6 years (8.3; 8.9)

83.8% (1.5%)

71.3% (3.6%)

70 to 79

7.6 years (7.3–7.9)

75.5% (2.1%)

55.2% (4.1%)

 ≥ 80

5.7 years (5.2–6.2)

51.4% (3.4%)

34.0% (4.8%)

  1. 95% CI 95% Confidence Interval, SD Standard Deviation
  2. aThe median overall survival was over 10 years but undetermined in the age groups < 40, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and overall. The median overall survival was 10.1 years (9.1–11.1) in 70 to 79 years and 5.2 years (3.3–7.1) in ≥ 80